Little miracle

Little miracle
Liam Gerardo Cruz

Monday, March 9, 2015

You kicked your daddy!

Yesterday i turned exactly 22 weeks! I wan to believe that since Friday i may have felt you move with my and on my belly but i was unsure since it being myself, could of been just my mind. Yesterday, your daddy was working once again on your dresser for your nursery and cleaning up your room. He wants to do as much as possible to make your room look great and fun for you. When we came to lay down, I told him I could feel you moving alot so he decided to try touching my belly to see if he felt anything. Within the few seconds that his hand was on my belly, you kicked him hard! I quickly glanced to look at him and he had a shocked face and asked if it was you moving, i said yes! he was so happy, as was I! few seconds later and you did it again!!! That moment was amazing! amazing that not only can i feel your little kicks but now your daddy can as well. I say you're already a miniature soccer player like your dad. I know that with the weeks coming, your kicks will get harder and stronger, but the fact that we both can feel you, it makes it that much closer for us to be able to hold you and spend our lifes with you.

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