We got to labor and delivery and it wasn't long before they put me in a room with heart monitors in the emergency room. I quickly heard your heart beat and did get some relieve out of hearing that wonderful sound. A good while passed until we got to go get an ultrasound. I couldn't see the monitor but your daddy could. I would observe his face to see if I could notice any reaction and after s few seconds, I saw him smiling. He then whispered that you were moving a lot. That made me feel much better. The lady too was saying you wouldn't stop moving and asked if I could feel the movements but I couldn't. At one point they said you kept opening and closing your mouth like a little fishy lol. Daddy thinks you have his nose already lol. We finally got to talk to the doctor to see what could be going on, she said you looked great and probably just switched positions which she said its normal. After 4 hours we left so happy knowing you are doing good. Just had us very worried. We are so happy that you are on your way and continue to be my little strong handsome. But when you're born, you're going to time out for scaring us lol. I love you so much.
Little miracle

Liam Gerardo Cruz
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
You had us worried..
Since week 22, daddy and I can see you and feel you often. You sure do move a lot when I eat, or at night when I'm lying down. This past weekend we know how much our love for you is strong. Saturday all day, I don't remember feeling you move. We were busy that day, garage sale in the mornin and baby shower in the afternoon. But at night when we tried to see if you would move or react to daddy, you wouldn't. The next day on Sunday, since the morning I kept an eye out to see if I felt anything, but nothing. Like always I try to look online for some answers and started to see that it could be a problem if baby doesn't move for 2 days. When I told your daddy I was concerned I couldn't help the tears. I want you to be Okay and healthy and when I started to think Something may be wrong from not feeling you be your usual silly self, it had me so scared but I kept thinking positive. Monday morning I decided I needed to call the doctor, this to me was not normal feeling. When I talked to a nurse from my clinic, she told me I had to go to labor and delivery for observation. I think that scared me even more, I would of thought I just had to go to my regular doctor, why should I go to labor and delivery that's for emergencies. I called your daddy explaining what they had mentioned and he came home as soon as he could to take me. On the meantime I couldn't help the tears once again. I wanted and tried to stop, I don't want you feeling my sadness or worries but at that second, I realized how truly much I love you. I have loved you from the beginning, but wanting the best for you and having no idea what could be going on let me know that you are already my world. My little happiness.
Monday, March 9, 2015
Belly Bump
Since in my first trimester, i lost about 15 lbs, I didn't really show much. I just had my usual bloated belly but with days it was getting a bit harder. Finally by week 15 on that Sunday you became more noticeable. I try to take a pic of my belly each Sunday which is when it's a new week for me, but sometimes it's not much of a big change but thats okay. As long as you're growing in there comfortable that's fine by me. I know you have plenty of room to move around, so do what you need to my little love.
You kicked your daddy!
Yesterday i turned exactly 22 weeks! I wan to believe that since Friday i may have felt you move with my and on my belly but i was unsure since it being myself, could of been just my mind. Yesterday, your daddy was working once again on your dresser for your nursery and cleaning up your room. He wants to do as much as possible to make your room look great and fun for you. When we came to lay down, I told him I could feel you moving alot so he decided to try touching my belly to see if he felt anything. Within the few seconds that his hand was on my belly, you kicked him hard! I quickly glanced to look at him and he had a shocked face and asked if it was you moving, i said yes! he was so happy, as was I! few seconds later and you did it again!!! That moment was amazing! amazing that not only can i feel your little kicks but now your daddy can as well. I say you're already a miniature soccer player like your dad. I know that with the weeks coming, your kicks will get harder and stronger, but the fact that we both can feel you, it makes it that much closer for us to be able to hold you and spend our lifes with you.
Friday, March 6, 2015
First baby shower
On February 28, the awesome ladies from the daycare made me the first baby shower. Luis and I were there and I was excited to see all who showed up. Nadia, ester, Ana, raquel,Yvette, fanny, daisy, gabby were there and Kristen even showed up! I hadn't seen her since May! It was great seeing them there. To spend time with us to celebrate Liam. They had a table full of goodies! Cake, hot dogs, nachos, fruit, chips, and cookies. We all ate and hung out and played a few games. From there, there was a table full of gifts for our little handsome. He got a bunch of wipes, diapers, outfits, toys, blankets, diaper bag, socks, and little random stuff like bottles, lovies and so on. We loved all of the gifts. It's things like this that make us feel so great, more then anything we know our handsome is very loved.
Monday, March 2, 2015
Anatomy Scan
We had your anatomy scan when you were 20 weeks 3 days old. Many people get excited because thats the day many find out if theyre having a boy or girl. We already knew you were a boy but still, my concern was to hear that you were growing strong and healthy. We finally went to see you at the ultrasound and we saw you moving right away. You were making us laugh, we saw you with your feet on your head, you flipped from your tummy to your back and then stayed comfortable like that, you stretched completely out, you showed us your booty, you did alot of movement in that ultrasound. It made us so happy to see how entertained you were in there. She told us you weigh about 1lb. and that you definetely are a boy. you kept showing us you are a boy LOL. She then went on to check my placenta by doing a trans vaginal ultrasound bec of that bleeding i had a month ago. She said everything there looked good. That visit, we felt so happy and blessed that you are growing healthy. Your daddy says that youre already like him, yall cant stay still and calm! and no wonder i'm always tired, the way you were moving in there, no wonder, you taking up alot of my energy! it's okay, as long as youre growing. We dont know when the next ultrasound will be so we can see you, but we can't wait. We love you baby.
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