Little miracle

Little miracle
Liam Gerardo Cruz

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Library story time

Today we went to two library's for story time!!! I liked going and I'm sure you loved it. The first one we went to was with your godmother. It was more for toddlers but you were listening to the story and songs. Later we went to the library by our home and that one was for ages 0-11 months. There was so many little ones there and the songs were more for your age. I hope we can do this every Thursday. When dada got home in the evening we went for a walk down the street to get on the swings. You just love the swings! It makes you smile and laugh. It's been a wonderful day with you my little love. I just absolutely love seeing you happy.
I love you. Now and forever
You like shoving your selve inside shelves now
I have no hair to pull?!
My loves 
Guess you couldn't decide which book to read 
Story time with Julian 
Waiting for next story time
So may neat toys

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