Little miracle

Little miracle
Liam Gerardo Cruz

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Being your mommy

Liam, you are 10 weeks and one day! we are amazed by how time flies. I look at you non stop and cant believe how much you have grown. Last week in your 2 month check up you measured at 24 in and 13.8 lbs! they had to double check your height because they didnt believe you could of grown that much so fast, guess you'll be tall like daddy. We've had many nights were we just want to get at least 6 hours of straight sleep, you have cried for no reason and have scared us both because sometimes we dont know what can be wrong or do to help you. Its very true what everyone says, that its hard being a mom. i sometimes question myself if Im doing a good job. All i want in my heart is for you to be happy,safe,healthy and very loved. I have had days where I cry because i feel that i dont know what im doing. your dad seems to know exactly what to do, even if hes not home. i ask him for advice sometimes. I just want to be a great mom. i hope that one day you feel the same love and appreciation like i have with my mom, i think shes the most amazing person in the world. Today, we took you to the doctor because for the past week, youre eating less and seem to be in pain or discomfort while you have your bottle... we were told you silent reflux. it hurts me to think that you could be in pain in your tummy and we really cant help you. she wants us to start you on some medication. i admit, im scared of giving you medication, of the side effects it could cause. im hoping that it truly does help you and that you soon start to feel better and can be happier. i just want whats best for you. always.for maybe the first 6 or  7 weeks, we would use Avent bottles.. every night in the evening you would cry and get angry for around a hour. everyone would tell us you had colic but your dad and me knew it couldnt be, it just didnt sound like colic. we finally switched your bottles to dr browns and that same day we noticed such a huge difference in you! your tummy must of been full of air and caused you to be very uncomfortable. you still do get a bit cranky but we know now its not from the bottles, but now that i think about it, it may be pain from silent reflux. im sorry baby, im sorry that if you are in pain and not happy, that i didnt catch it earlier to try and help you feel better. despite the rough moments, you sure do make your dada and me laugh. i cant help but look at your little face. i look at you and i see your daddy. i see a little boy that has changed our world. i see so much innocence and purity in you. i want to do everything possible to protect you from anything and everyone. your dadda and i like to talk about all the things we can do with you, how we look forward to you running, taking you to Disney, enjoying Christmas together and doing fun things for the holidays. there is so much to look forward to, but we dont want to rush the time because you wont be this little for much longer. next thing we know, you'll be going to school and i know ill find myself missing the hard times and sleepless nights. more then anything, i know ill miss just holding you and being amazed by your sweet eyes, your little crease in your nose that shows up when you smile, your little baby talk and how we think  you say "thank you" after you sneeze, i dont want to forget any little detail about you my baby. i dont want to ever forget any of these days that have driven your dadda and i crazy and yet felt so much love and happiness for you.

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