We can't believe that in a few days, you will be here with us! Your dad seems to be more and more excited by the day. I am as well but of course I'm nervous and anxious to have you and both of us be okay and safe.
Today, we had our last ultrasound at 36 weeks 3 days. Like in the past 3 ultrasounds, you kept opening your mouth and sticking your tongue out at us. Last night, we took a guess to see about how much you would weigh at the ultrasound. Your dad said about 6.5 lbs, my mom said about 6 3/4 and I was unsure lol. Well, they told us you're around 8lbs 5oz!!! We are amazed! It makes me feel good though. Having pre eclampsia they would mention that it could stop your growth and we'd need to have you be born early. But the fact that you little mister, have grown so much and you stay strong , you are already so amazing to us. You impress me and I haven't even met you yet. I did always hope that you would be strong in this world and that's what you've been all along. I was worried that you may be born very small and if that could increase your chance to go to the nicu but the dr said 5 in 100 usually go to the nicu at this stage. We've seen your little heart, stomach, kindneys, breathing, and you're doing great. We love you so much and in a few days with God's permission, us 3 will be together as a family.